top of page Audience Assessment

One intercept survey, targeted three separate times, insights galore

IndyCar is the U.S.-based open-wheel race series, and their website gets a huge amount of traffic from fans. The marketing department at IndyCar wisely decided to take a deeper look at who their website visitors were and what they were looking for before embarking on a major redesign.

My Role

My agency at the time (Williams Randall Marketing) was contracted to write and implement the survey, and to report on the results. I created the report, which informed IndyCar's redesign decisions.

The Goals

The goals of conducting web surveys with website visitors include:

  • Developing a picture of the audience groups who visit the website.

  • Understanding what kinds of information they’re looking for.

  • Understanding their perspective on IndyCar, as well as the website.

  • Understanding frustrations or pain points the website is causing its visitors.

  • Gathering data about how the current website could be improved or redesigned.

  • Recruiting volunteers for possible future research studies.

The Team

I was a UX team of one, collaborating with IndyCar's Marketing team.

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